Lodging and tourism real estate
Historically specialised in tourist lodging, and more specifically hotels, IE TCH has progressively developed a comprehensive expertise in tourism infrastructure in a broader sense: apart-hotels, campsites, golf courses, thalassotherapy institutes, spas, convention centres, casinos, etc. This extensive industry knowledge enables us to incorporate all the tourism components likely to directly or indirectly influence a given territory in our assumptions and conclusions. It also provides us with an accurate vision when advising on resort-type projects that group different types of tourism infrastructure (spas, golf courses, conference centres, etc.): appreciation of how these structures complement each other, definition of the key success factors to optimise synergies between each, etc. .

With almost 17 600 establishments and 637 000 rooms at the beginning of 2015, the hotel sector constitutes one of the main generators of visitor flows in France, and a significant driver of revenues and jobs for the tourism industry. The industry has faced a number of substantial challenges over the past few years, whether these be complying with the new norms or adapting to rapidly-changing consumption patterns.
In early 2015, In Extenso TCH tallied 2 600 apart-hotels or similar, grouping over 180 000 studios and apartments. Predominantly located in coastal areas and ski resorts, the development of supply has been largely influenced by a succession of fiscal incentive initiatives. These incentives have reached their limits, and value creation now depends to a greater extent on the operation and commercialisation of apart-hotels by specialised groups. Over the past 20 years, apart-hotels have appeared in main cities, providing an alternative to traditional hotels for multi-night or long stays. This specific market is the subject of an annual study, the latest edition of which was published in June 2015.
Campsites are a vital part of the lodging landscape and are particularly popular with tourists. This implies a professional approach to quantifying supply, marketing and management. Our teams can help at every stage – from creating or updating a site, to marketing the final product.
According to the French Golf Federation, the number of golfers in France reached 407 569 in 2015 : +40% compared to 2000, illustrating the sport’s constant popularity. Today, golf is the 4th most widely practiced individual sport in France, after tennis, judo and horse riding.
The wellness market has traditionally comprised spa resorts and thalassotherapy institutes. Such establishments are undergoing a radical transformation in the face of a number of challenges: the scaling down of Social Security reimbursements for hydrotherapeutic treatments, increasing national and international competition, an ageing client base, etc. This transformation has led to the arrival of a new market entrant: the spa.
Restaurant industry
The restaurant industry is a significant contributor to the French economy, generating 50 billion euros per year. The sector has always played a vital role, as it concerns an essential need: feeding oneself. Added to this is a strong qualitative and cultural dimension. The restaurant industry combines passion and extreme precision. The economic equilibrium specific to the profession is complex and requires fine-tuning so that the notion of service and savoir-faire can be transformed into commercial success.
The identification of a need and the presentation of an overall service offer are the two key pillars of success for any project in the sector.
Project management
We provide assistance to project managers both in terms of technical aspects and in how to select the best contracting team. During the design and works phase, our teams provide expert help to ensure complete cohesion between the programme and the final project.