Programming, project management and operation set-up

We regularly monitor projects up until their implementation – from programming to setting up the operation. Whatever your project, the assistance of a programming consultant is invaluable for correctly examining the various options. Programming involves step-by-step support, resulting in clearer project management choices at every stage, from the initial idea to the project’s realisation.


  • Infrastructure programming

    Programming is an iterative process used to translate the idea into a precise, usable document, enabling the future infrastructure to be designed.

    Based on the options retained in pre-operational studies (concept definition, feasibility, pre-programme), the programme expresses the contractor’s tasks. The programming consultant will briefly outline the implications in terms of space, staff and material. The programme is an accurate and exacting technical document that focuses primarily on how the future infrastructure will be used: both in terms of the general public and the individuals who will operate it.

  • Project management

    We provide assistance to project managers both in terms of technical aspects and in how to select the best contracting team. During the design and works phase, our teams provide expert help to ensure complete cohesion between the programme and the final project.

  • Operator / investor selection

    Selecting the right operators and investors is crucial to the success of your project:

    • Operators because they determine how it is managed
    • Investors because they condition whether it comes to fruition

    Yet finding the right operator and / or investor is a far from simple affair, and the support of an intermediary who is familiar with the development strategies of the major groups and the requirements of financial institutions can be a huge asset.

  • Public Service Delegation assistance

    When providing advice on how to set up a project or reposition a facility, our operational recommendations often include contractual operating support solutions and Public Service Delegation: instigating a public service delegation contract requires a specific regulatory framework. Our experts are highly experienced in this field and can assist with implementing the procedure itself, negotiating and selecting the best operator.

  • Project management

    We provide assistance to project managers both in terms of technical aspects and in how to select the best contracting team. During the design and works phase, our teams provide expert help to ensure complete cohesion between the programme and the final project.

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